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Seth is joined by Phil Nichols to discuss the 1980 winner of the Hugo Award for Best Novel, The Fountains of Paradise, by Arthur C. Clarke
Start – 3:45 | Intro through “Why this book?” |
3:46 – 23:50 | Non-Spoiler discussion |
23:51 – end | Spoiler discussion |
Notes & Mentions:
- The Web Between the Worlds, Charles Sheffield
- The Martian, by Andy Weir
- Profiles of the Future, by Arthur C. Clarke
- Rendezvous with Rama, by Arthur C. Clarke
- The Andromeda Evolution, by Daniel H. Wilson
- Apollo 13
- “The Nine Billion Names of God,” by Arthur C. Clarke
Phil’s Links:
Phil’s site: http://bradburymedia.co.uk
Phil’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/bradburymedia
Having only just read this book, this one hour discussion about it is absolutely fascinating. Not only do they agree with me on several points, like the first 10 chapters but I’m also learning things that I obviously missed first time around.
I found this podcast from the Arthur C Clarke facebook page.
Thanks, Jack! I also have an episode on Rendezvous With Rama, and Phil is planning on to join me on my other podcast, Take Me To Your Reader to talk about the recently announced adaptation of Rama.