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This time, Seth is joined by Ben DeBono of The Sci-Fi Christian to discuss Roger Zelazny’s Lord of Light, winner of the 1968 Hugo Award.
Time Codes:
Start – 4:45 | Intro/getting to know Ben |
4:46 – 20:19 | Non-Spoiler discussion |
20:20 – end | Spoiler discussion |
Notes & Links:
Links for The Sci-Fi Christian:
Jack Kirby art for “Argo”:
Ben on TMTYR talking 2001: A Space Odyssey:
I came here straight from your “Take Me to Your Reader” podcast, while also reading old posts on io9 about Hugo Award winners, specifically the post about this book.
Serendipity, huh? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Perfect! The internet drew you inexorably here.
And now I’ve listened to almost all of the episodes – very interesting discussions, with interesting people!
Thank you for adding to my list of books to read (or re-read), especially this one. I had not noticed the time- shift when I read it before, and I’m looking forward to it all making sense now. 😉
At least two people re-blogged it when I put a link on my tumblr, so I hope that steered people your way. This is a fantastic podcast!
Thanks for helping get the word out! And thanks again for the kind words.