Zoomed Out: Speculative Fiction In Translation, with Rachel Cordasco

Zoomed Out: Speculative Fiction In Translation, with Rachel Cordasco

This time it’s another Zoomed Out episode, focusing on Speculative Fiction in Translation (SFT), with guest Rachel Cordasco. Below I’ve captured some of her recommendations. There are some light spoilers in the episode, but nothing that should detract from your enjoyment of these books and authors. Notes & Links: Ways to support the podcast: Buy … Continue reading “Zoomed Out: Speculative Fiction In Translation, with Rachel Cordasco”

Declare, by Tim Powers (feat. Paul Williams)

Declare, by Tim Powers (feat. Paul Williams)

Returning guest Paul Williams joins me for a discussion of the 2001 winner of the World Fantasy Award, Declare, by Paul Williams. Secret history, espionage, and fantasy all wrapped into one terrific novel. Spoiler talk starts at 15:03 Notes & Links: Ways to support the podcast: Buy Me a Book/Coffee!: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sethheasled Support Me on Patreon!: https://www.patreon.com/hugospodcast Pick … Continue reading “Declare, by Tim Powers (feat. Paul Williams)”

“Other people walk their dog, and I walk my book,” a conversation with JW Wartick

Legend says he’s still reading lists of books to this day. JW Wartick has read all of the Hugo-winning novels, but he’s also read all the Nebula winners, and all the Hugo-nominated novels. To say he’s a voracious reader is to vastly understate the case. But he’s also my friend, and I asked him to … Continue reading ““Other people walk their dog, and I walk my book,” a conversation with JW Wartick”

Zoomed Out: Iain M. Banks, with Damian Mac Choiligh

Zoomed Out: Iain M. Banks, with Damian Mac Choiligh

Damo Mac Choiligh joins me for a deep look at Scottish SF author Iain M. Banks. Some reading recommendations and notes (not all of these are mentioned in the discussion): Banks 101: The Culture Series: Other SF: Mainstream Fiction: Themes: Advanced Banks: Weird Fiction: The Culture Series: Other SF: Links: https://www.facebook.com/groups/130411676997908

A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeline L’Engle (feat. Mandy Self)

A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeline L’Engle (feat. Mandy Self)

Mandy Self joins me once again to discuss A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeline L’Engle. This is a “Seth’s Picks” episode, but it’s also an award-winner, having won the Newberry Award in 1963. We get into spoilers about 15 minutes in. Mandy’s links:https://twitter.com/Brown_Ajahhttps://twitter.com/MandymoniumPod “Ticky Tacky little boxes” referenced by Mandy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Boxes Ways to support the … Continue reading “A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeline L’Engle (feat. Mandy Self)”

Vernor Vinge Tribute episode

Vernor Vinge Tribute episode

With the sad news of Vernor Vinge’s recent passing, I decided (at Olav’s prompting) to host a short-notice discussion panel about Vinge’s work. This podcast has previously covered his three Hugo-winning novels, but we go a bit deeper here, giving some other recommendations for Vinge reading. I’m mostly just here to facilitate, and more than … Continue reading “Vernor Vinge Tribute episode”